The Stacey Family

July 28, 2009


I was trying to actually do something with my blog and I messed it all up! Lame!


Maurie McNabb said...

Good news, now you can blog stalk me! While I'm gone you're obligated to blog to keep me updated. <3

The Valley Family said...

You updated yeah! Now lets put on there how many days till you get Married lady

Rachael said...

HHHHIIIIII KATTTIII I miss you sooo much ...I love having you as a friend who's always the same good friend even years later!!...I'm soo excited to have your blog!!! I'm super excited for you and future hubby!! I'm not sure if Ryan and I will be able to make it to the wedding (money is super tight) but I want you to know how much a love you and how excited I am for you!