The Stacey Family

August 27, 2008

This week

Well I am going to be starting a new job... again... doing the same thing... again... I don't believe my current office will be open very much longer, so I am going to be starting with a new company in a week and a half. It worked out kinda nice... I gave my two week notice yesterday... and my last day is tomorrow afternoon! This is working out nicely because I am leaving early tomorrow to drive to Oregon, and now I am not in a huge hurry to get back for work! I am excited to be able to go home for a few days to see the fam, I really miss them! Hopefully Russ will be home from the fire when I get there, he has been gone all week.. However if I get there before him, I can claim my bedroom which he has taken over. Just because I am not there doesn't mean that he can claim it! Last time I came home he refused to let me have my room and slept on the floor to spite me. Which means I couldn't sleep because I was awake all night feeling guilty that he was on the floor. Dad has claimed Scott for a fishing trip at some point... sad that his daughter is finally coming home and he makes plans with the boyfriend..... I was invited as an afterthought.... but its just not the same that way. Hopefully I will get some good pictures while I am home... and hopefully Scott and I both come back alive after that long in the car together.... we kind of have different opinions on how road trips are supposed to work... I believe one should stop to sleep, and shower and brush their teeth .... Scott believes one should drive and drive and drive and then sleep when you get there. So sorry mom and dad if we show up grouchy and smelly! Maybe I will have to make a bed out of the backseat....

August 21, 2008


In an attempt to be healthy I went to the gym on tuesday and got my ass served to me in a kickboxing class. I was expecting a nice slow warm up... some nice easy kickboxing... and a nice long cool down. All to take place within an hour. But instead I got an hour and a half of constant ass kicking. And now.... I hurt. Apparently one should not delve into such things when one has not exercised for a very long time. I am able to move a little more freely that I could yesterday... for now... I am going to go to another class. Why? Because its time. Unfortunately my constant soda addiction and love of eating out is catching up to me. Im tired. Im gaining weight. And Im grouchy. So here I go. If anyone gets a call in the next couple hours... please answer... its me needing you scrape me up off the gym floor.

August 20, 2008

Joe and Kaceys Wedding Pics

August 6, 2008

Team Name

I changed my team name for the 3-Day walk... it was Breast Friends, and I changed it to Walkstars! I put it on a shirt tonight, and it actually looks pretty good. I would take a picture... But I have to get up and go to the airport in 6 hours and I havent packed yet :( Anywho, let me know what you think...


Well since Im headed out of town again tomorrow, I figure it's about time to post some pics from the last trip. And since Alena doesn't seem to believe I go places without photographic proof... maybe this will placate her for a few days. Hopefully I don't have to prove my next trip since she is picking me up from the airport! And I'll admit it right now... I REALLY fell short on the whole picture taking aspect of this trip...

This is somehow my favorite picture from the weekend, not hard since I didnt take very many... Anywho apparently its normal to take a mini boat to the dock from your big boat... These of course would be the mini boats.
Unfortunately this is about the extent of our playing on the beach.....
Because of these lovely bacteria warning signs that were lining the water!!

We ate lunch here, over the water actually... It was quite cute...

And here is the bird who sat over us at lunch repeatedly spitting on us and our food! LOL really!